Randolph Community College Asheboro Campus
629 Industrial Park Avenue, Asheboro, NC, US
Ann Hoover Welcome Center - Student Services Center Student Lounge
Morgan WhisenantFinancial Assistance Counselor
Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs
mdwhisenant@randolph.eduMobile Veteran Center
The Greensboro Mobile Veteran Center will be present on campus on January 30th, February 18th, and March 24th from 9am-12pm in the Student Services Center Lounge - located in the Ann Hoover Welcome Center.
The MVC offers free counseling to veterans and their families as well as many other services such as employment assessment and referrals, explanation of benefits that might be available, etc. If you know of anyone that may benefit from their services, please direct them to the mobile unit. It is open to the public as well.